This section only applies to the Professional Edition of IDimager
The previous paragraph described how you can cascade meta information using the versions panel. If you have setup a work flow that needs all versions to have identical ratings and color labels, you can also configure IDimager so that it cascades ratings and/or color labels automatically. By enabling this you can save a lot of time in your work flow.
To specify your preference, open the options dialog by selecting Tools | Options from the main menu. Then in options category "Catalog", tab Advanced find the setting:
There are four options available:
Don't apply to versions
With this option selected, you can assign ratings and color labels to any image (including the ones in version sets) and nothing will be changed for existing other versions
Apply ratings and color labels to all images in version set
With this option selected, you can assign ratings and color labels to images and when that image is part of a version set, the new rating or color label will be applied to every image in the version set
Apply only ratings to all images in version set
With this option selected, you can assign ratings and color labels to images and when that image is part of a version set, the new rating will be applied to every image in the version set. Color labels will be unaffected.
Apply only color labels to all images in version set
With this option selected, you can assign ratings and color labels to images and when that image is part of a version set, the new color label will be applied to every image in the version set. Ratings will be unaffected.